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Pennsylvania Training Police to Take Blood Samples of DUI Suspects

For decades, law enforcement agencies around the country have used various methods in their efforts to reduce the incidence of drunk and drug-impaired driving. While it’s important to make highways Read More

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Seek to Protect Medical Cannabis Users from Unwarranted DUI Charges

Pennsylvania’s legislative bodies have passed bills designed to help medical marijuana users avoid charges of driving under the influence when there is no evidence that their ability to operate a Read More

New Law Increases Penalties for Repeat DUIs in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania drivers need to be wary of a newly enacted law that increases the level of crimes and imposes stiffer penalties for repeat DUI offenses.   The legislation, known as Deana’s Read More

Do’s and Don’ts When Pulled Over for Suspected DUI

If police pull you over on the suspicion that you are intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, they have the right to take certain actions as part of their Read More

Shut Up, Give Blood, Call a Lawyer: What To Do in a DUI Arrest

A charge of driving under the influence can negatively affect your life whether or not you’re convicted. If you are a first-time Pennsylvania DUI offender, the good news is you Read More

What Happens if You Refuse a Breath or Blood Test at a DUI Stop?

In Pennsylvania, drivers are prohibited from operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 percent or above. The legal limits are even lower for commercial drivers Read More

Can You Get a Marijuana DUI in Pennsylvania?

Medical marijuana is legal in the state of Pennsylvania but it is illegal to operate a vehicle under the influence of the drug, regardless of why you took it. According Read More

An Overview of DUI Laws in Pennsylvania

Are you wondering what the consequences of a DUI look like in the state of Pennsylvania? Below is a quick overview of the penalties you’ll likely face if convicted of Read More

Know the Consequences of a DUI Conviction in Pennsylvania

If you’ve been arrested for DUI in Pennsylvania, you may be hoping you can pay a fine and it will all blow over. After all, there is no minimum jail Read More

How Can You Restore a Suspended Driver License in Pennsylvania?

Losing your driver license can cause all sorts of problems for you personally and professionally. Fortunately, depending on the facts of your suspension, you may be able to apply for Read More

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