Viewing 41 - 50 out of 99 posts


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Why Would the Police Pull You Over When You Didn’t Do Anything Wrong?

You are driving on a Pennsylvania highway and you notice a police car following you, even though you’re not speeding, driving erratically or otherwise violating traffic laws. Suddenly, the police Read More

What Types of Charges Can Get You on the Sex Offender Registry, and for How Long?

Pennsylvania’s Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), popularly known as Megan’s Law, has been on the books since 1995. SORNA requires that certain designated adult and juvenile sex offenders Read More

Good People Make Bad Decisions: Why ARD Is Designed for You

A person who has gone their entire life without getting into legal trouble might one day get behind the wheel after too many drinks, use recreational marijuana or make another Read More

Guilt by Association in Drug Cases

If you’re like most people, hearing the phrase “drug possession” brings to mind someone caught with drugs in their hand, in their jacket pocket or even hidden in their shoes. Read More

Shut Up, Give Blood, Call a Lawyer: What To Do in a DUI Arrest

A charge of driving under the influence can negatively affect your life whether or not you’re convicted. If you are a first-time Pennsylvania DUI offender, the good news is you Read More

The Art of the Plea Deal: Why Real Court Isn’t Like CSI or Law and Order

Courtroom trial dramas on TV make for compelling entertainment, but they bear little resemblance to how the criminal court system actually works. Criminal cases work through the system in a Read More

Complying with Corporate Annual Meeting Requirements during the COVID-19 Quarantine

How do you hold a corporate annual meeting when the entire country is in lockdown? On the surface, it might seem like a simple matter of using a favorite video Read More

What are Considered Essential Businesses Under States’ COVID-19 Rules?

During the coronavirus pandemic, previously bustling locations from malls to urban downtowns have gone eerily quiet. But your local pizza place might still be open, along with restaurants that can Read More

How Are Divorce Proceedings Being Affected by the COVID-19 Quarantine?

Throughout the United States, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our daily routine in ways that none of us could have ever imagined. Like everyone else, spouses who are already experiencing Read More

Due to COVID-19, Some Police Departments Not Responding to Minor Auto Accident Calls

Police officers and other first responders face increased risks due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has changed nearly every facet of our lives. As stay at home orders in many Read More

Viewing 41 - 50 out of 99 posts


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